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Velashape Facial

En Rinnovo Med Spa contamos con una tecnología de remodelación facial no invasiva.

¿En que puede ayudarte?

  • Redefinir el ovalo facial
  • Elimina arrugas y líneas de expresión
  • Reduce doble mentón y anillos de venus
  • Realiza lifting facial con efecto tensor

En esta nueva tecnología el diseño de los cabezales permite tratar zonas delicadas como es el cuello y el rostro, ofreciendo mayor eficacia en los resultados, adaptando la aplicación a la necesidad y sensibilidad del paciente

Te ofrecemos un tratamiento indoloro y que no requiere de tratamiento posterior, permanecer en reposo o días de licencia. Sus sorprendentes resultados se logran mediante el calentamiento intensivo de las células adiposas, aumentando su temperatura a unos 45°C, aproximadamente. También calienta los tabiques fibrosos y fibras de colágeno profundas. Combina tecnologías de punta para dar resultados estéticos mucho más rápidos y efectivos

¿En quienes NO aplica?

Está contraindicado su uso en personas que hayan presentado, o estén presentando:

  • Cáncer de piel
  • Patologías cutáneas
  • Lunares malignos
  • Patologías relacionadas con cicatrización anormal, tales como queloides
  • Piel seca y piel frágil
  • Diabetes
  • Enfermedades estimuladas por el calor
  • Pieles que han sido tratadas con peelings químicos, por lo menos una semana antes del tratamiento


Lo mejor siempre es ir a un Spa Médico, en donde sabes que hay especialistas calificados. Vas con seguridad y te pones en sus manos sin pensarlo dos veces. Además, puedes relajarte ya que el personal de Rinnovo Med Spa sabe lo que hace en tu rostro.

Our Team

Team Member Dr. Victoria De Vito Founder – MD, Facts
Team Member
Dr. Victoria De Vito
Founder – MD, Facts

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

Team Member Dr. Alexander Collin Cosmetologist – Master’s of Cosmetology
Team Member
Dr. Alexander Collin
Cosmetologist – Master’s of Cosmetology

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

Team Member Rachel Green Hairdresser
Team Member
Rachel Green

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

Team Member
Nick Boil

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

Team Member Diana Milos Nail Specialist
Team Member
Diana Milos
Nail Specialist

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

Team Member Andrew Parker Event Manager
Team Member
Andrew Parker
Event Manager

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

Team Member Susan Geller Nail Specialist
Team Member
Susan Geller
Nail Specialist

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.

Team Member Nadia Bake Administrator
Team Member
Nadia Bake

As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.